Our Role in Net Zero 2050

Nuclear Fusion is no longer a dream, it is the ultimate answer to a clean green planet earth. If the Tokamak fusion device is the winner in the current race to commercialise nuclear fusion, it will be critical in its operation and global roll-out to replace all fossil fuel energy plants on earth. This would create a potential 400% increase in helium demand. Current sources from natural gas would fail to meet this growth.

New primary sources must be found and ready. Noble Helium is exploring arguably the best location on earth to prove up a new global scale primary helium resource that will ensure that this amazing future advance is secure in its need for helium. We urge you to take the time to watch this video explanation of why this will be man’s greatest advance in clean energy production.

“This is not just new tech, it is The Tech”
Bernard Bigot, Director General of ITER


Noble Helium is proud to be an inaugural supporter of Terra Carta, The Prince of Wales’ visionary charter challenging businesses to put nature, people and the planet at the heart of global value creation over the next decade, in a move backed by scores of major high-profile corporations.